Blue Girl room

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Hello Guriga, When designing the room, the color of the bedroom is a significant element. In addition to your room so unsightly and uncomfortable, it turns out the bedroom color effect on sleep quality and sleep duration.

According to a source, if sleeping in a room that is less dark, the brain turns out to be "fooled" so that he automatically reduce the production of melatonin. Meanwhile, other sources say that the blue-painted room is a comfortable room. This seems to be the secret of why a person can sleep very comfortably in the blue room.

Why is the color blue that can make you comfortable when sleeping? Was already long known that blue is a color that is comfortable to the human eye. Psychologically, blue is apparently closely related to comfort.

Another study stated that the UK get the best quality sleep when sleep a night in a room that is decorated in blue. While Chris Idzikowski, sleep specialist from Edinburgh Sleep Center also states that the outcome of this study is something extraordinary.

room design is suitable for your lack of sleep disorders, so use blue decorations to be able to sleep well.

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